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The project of reconstruction and expansion of the main water supply line Astrakhan - Mangyshlak is able to largely cover the growing demand for water in the west Kazakhstan

 20.12.2022    571
To the reports published in the Mass media regarding the project for the reconstruction and expansion of the Astrakhan - Mangyshlak main water supply line KazTransOil JSC informs that the implementation of a major infrastructure project will ensure high quality, reliable and uninterrupted water supply that meets the level of growing demand from consumers in Atyrau and Mangistau regions. In particular, 16 settlements and one city in the Atyrau region, 17 settlements and one city in the Mangistau region, including agricultural facilities. This infrastructure project has a great social importance, and it is necessary for the sustainable operation of oil and gas enterprises.

According to Shyngys Ilyasov, Director of the Department for Public Relations and Internal Communications of KazTransOil JSC, in the Atyrau and Mangystau regions, the shortage of hydro resources will become quite noticeable in the very near future. «For now we have a shortage of drinking water in the region, and in the next five years in the Atyrau region its deficit may increase to 40%. The issue is acute during the summer periods especially. The project for the reconstruction and expansion of the Astrakhan-Mangyshlak main water supply line is able to largely cover the growing demand,» says Sh. Ilyasov.

The project of reconstruction and expansion of the main water supply line Astrakhan-Mangyshlak is being implemented on behalf of the Head of State and in accordance with the decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The conditions for the implementation of the project provide for its break-even, i.e. return on investment, covering the costs of servicing loans and operating the water pipeline. The project is commercially neutral for KazTransOil JSC, while performing an important infrastructural and social function. All procedures for the procurement of goods, works and services for the implementation of the project are carried out in accordance with the Samruk-Kazyna JSC Procurement Procedure, which is based on the principles of transparency, transparency and equal opportunities for everyone.

The main water supply line Astrakhan - Mangyshlak is the only centralized source of water supply for residents of several districts of the Atyrau and Mangystau regions, as well as the city of Zhanaozen. The water pipeline was put into operation in 1988, has been in operation for more than 30 years and has 87% wear on 94% of the length of the lines. The maximum throughput is 110 thousand cubic meters per day. As part of the project for the reconstruction and expansion of the Astrakhan-Mangyshlak main water supply line, its productive capacity will be increased to 170-200 thousand cubic meters per day. The project implementation period is 2022-2023.

For reference:
KazTransOil JSC is the national operator of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the main oil pipeline. Included in the group of JSC NC «KazMunayGas». It owns a diversified network of main oil pipelines with a length of 5.4 thousand km.
LLP «Main Water Supply» - a subsidiary of JSC «KazTransOil», provides services for the supply of water through the water supply line  Astrakhan – Mangyshlak  with a total length of 1945.1 km. The route of the main water supply line pipeline Astrakhan – Mangyshlak  passes through the territory of Atyrau and Mangystau regions. In 2021, 29,387,122 cubic meters of water were supplied to consumers.
Public Relations and Internal Communications Department KazTransOil JSC
Categories: Press releases