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KazTransOil JSC held an extraordinary General meeting of shareholders

 14.08.2023    365

JSC «KazTransOil» held an extraordinary General meeting of shareholders of the company. The agenda included the following items:

1. On early termination of powers of members of the Board of Directors of KazTransOil JSC, Agostini Vinicius Alves and Martinez Lopez Alberto.

2. On the election of members of the Board of Directors of KazTransOil JSC, including its chairman.

3. On determining the amount and terms of payment of remuneration and compensation of expenses to the elected members of the Board of Directors of «KazTransOil» JSC for the performance of their duties.

4. On making additions to the Charter of the joint-stock company «KazTransOil».

The minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of KazTransOil JSC, held on August 14, 2023, will be published on the company's website. 

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