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Batumi Sea Port transshipped Kazakhstani ammonium nitrate in the amount of more than 6 thousand tons

 26.04.2024    505
In the 1st quarter of 2024, Batumi Sea Port LLC shipped 6,012 tons of Kazakh ammonium nitrate. The cargo was shipped from the port of Aktau towards the port of Hovsan (Azerbaijan) with further transshipment at the seaport of Batumi (Georgia) for subsequent export to world markets.

In March 2024, Batumi Sea Port LLC for the first time shipped Kazakh ammonium nitrate in the volume of one ship shipment - 3 thousand tons. The shipper of the mineral fertilizer is KazAzot JSC.

By the end of 2024, the manufacturer plans to ensure the shipment of ammonium nitrate along the Trans-Caspian international transport route to the port of Batumi in a volume of more than 50 thousand tons.

In total, in the 1st quarter of 2024, 435 thousand tons of cargo were handled at the dry cargo terminal of Batumi Sea Port LLC, which is 4% higher than the same period last year.

KazTransOil JSC directly owns and manages production assets in Georgia through Batumi Oil Terminal LLC. Batumi Oil Terminal LLC has exclusive rights to manage a 100% stake in Batumi Sea Port LLC.
Categories: Press releases