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Employees of the MOPMD at the receiving and delivery points switched to the shift method of work

 30.04.2020    584
Oil companies in the Mangistau region switched to a shift work method to minimize the risks of coronavirus infection among employees and to ensure business continuity. Employees of the receiving and delivery points of the Mangistau Oil Pipeline Department have also been transferred to the shift service. Among them are 4 employees of PSP «Dunga» HOPS «Aktau» and 4 employees of the PSP «Tasbolat» OPS «Zhetybai». In addition, since April 20, 4 employees of the HOPS «Aktau» and 4 laboratory assistants of the Central chemical laboratory of the PSP «Bitumen plant» have changed their usual working hours. In the fields where our colleagues work, all the conditions have been created for their work and good living. The oil companies have taken over the issues of providing the employees with accommodation and meals. Natalya Igonkina, the operator of OPS «Zhetybai» at the Tasbolat field, has been on duty for over 20 days. According to her, she is sympathetic to the changes in the operating mode and continues to contribute to the non-stop process of oil transportation. According to data as of April 28, 2020, the number of people infected with COVID-19 in Mangistau region is 31. In case of a critical increase in the number of infected in the region, the company has developed a plan to transfer the specialists of a number of separate structural units to the shift method of work according to the orange level. This list of enterprises also includes HOPS «Aktau» and OPS «Zhetybai». These oil-pumping stations have already prepared places for accommodation and created the necessary conditions for the operation of shift workers.
Categories: Press releases