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Results of production activity of «KazTransOil» JSC (subsidiary of «KazMunayGas» NC JSC) for 12 months 2013

 14.01.2014    278
JSC «KazTransOil» has increased the volumes of oil transportation for 4%. According to the factual data the volume of oil transportation through the network of main oil pipelines of «KazTransOil» JSC in January - December 2013 was equal to 53 million 924 thou. tons. Comparing to the planned indicator oil transportation volume increased for 2 million 49 thou. tons, or for 4% and comparing to a similar indicator of the last year – for 1%, growth for 465 thou. tons. For 12 months 2013 comparing to the similar period of 2012 growth of oil transportation volume via the network of main oil pipelines of «KazTransOil» JSC to the oil refineries of the Republic of Kazakhstan is noted – 14 mln. 116 thou. tons, meaning the increase for 136 thou. tons or for 1%. In particular, 4 mln. 333 thou. tons (at the level of 2013) was delivered to Atyrau oil refinery, for PKOP – 4 mln. 711 thou. tons (more for 151 thou. tons), to POCR – 5 mln. 47 thou . tons (for 55 thou. tons less), for bitumen factory – 25 thou. tons (in 2012 there were no deliveries). Also volumes of oil throughput to «Atasu-Alashankou» oil pipeline up to 11 mln. 828 thou. tons, exceeding the indicator of similar period of 2012 for 1 mln. 427 thou.tons or for 14%. Oil transportation volumes on the section «Atyrau – Samara» of «Uzen – Atyrau – Samara» trunk line did not change – for 12 months of 2013 15 mln. 376 thou.tons of oil was transported. Oil loading in tankers in the port of Aktau using the capacities of «KazTransOil» JSC made 5 mln. 995 thou.tons. Comparing to 2012 the volume of loading reduced for 530 thou.tons or for 8%. Oil throughput volume to CPC-K MOP network for 12 months 2013 made 3 mln. 625 thou.tons – less than for similar period of 2012 for 343 thou.tons or for 9%. Transit of Russian oil via section of «TON-2» oil pipeline, located on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan based on the results of 2013 equal to 6 mln. 533 thou.tons, that is for 1 mln. 625 thou. tons or for 18% are higher than for similar period in 2012 (fact for 12 months of 2012 made 5 mln. 521 thou.tons of oil). Cargo turnover via the network of MOP of «KazTransOil» JSC for twelve months of 2013 made 36 bln. 994 mln. tons km. Relatively to the planed indicator cargo turnover increased for 3% or for 1 bln. 89 mln. tons km and relatively to the similar period of the last year - for 2 bln. 464 mln. tons km, that is growth for 7%. «KazTransOil» JSC performs supply of Volga water to consumers of Atyrau and Mangistau regions of Kazakhstan via Astrakhan – Mangyshlak waterline. In January – December 2013 the volume of water supply equaled to 23 mln. 390 thou.cub.m and comparing to the similar period of 2012 increased for 591 thou.cub.m. or for 3%. Reference: «KazTransOil» JSC – subsidiary of «KazMunayGas» NC JSC, national operator of the Republic of Kazakhstan on main oil pipeline. The Company manages the network of main oil pipelines with extension more than 5 thousand km and waterlines with extension more than 2 thousand km, providing work places for more than 8 thousand people. Press Relations Service of JSC «KazTransOil»
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